Get In Touch
Directions to the farm by tuk tuk
Coming to the vegan farm when in Guatapé
- Take a moto taxi or tuk tuk ( 10 mnt by tuk tuk and it costs 12,000 per car)
- Tell them to take you to Escuela de Español or la granja vegana
Walking directions to the vegan farm
- the farm is located at El Roble path. from there, please follow the signs
Coming from Medellin to Guatapé
To/From Medellín:
Direct buses from Medellín leave from the Terminal del Norte (directly connected to the Caribe Metro Station), passing through El Peñol and the entrance to La Piedra on the way to Guatapé (about two hours).
Two companies provide service:
Sotrasanvicente and Sotrapeñol. Each company provides service approximately every hour starting at 6am.
The last bus from Medellín to Guatapé is at 7:00pm. The last bus from Guatapé to Medellín is at 6:30pm (7:45pm on Sundays and Holiday Mondays) – Schedule changes do occur. Please make sure to check the current bus schedule.
Return buses to Medellín fill up quickly on weekends – buy your ticket in advance
Coming from Airport to Guatapé
En carro o moto particular desde la autopista Medellin – Bogota o desde el aeropuerto.
O caminando desde el pueblo.
Pedimos disculpas que google map no reconoce nuestra carretera pavimentada así que optamos por darte indicaciones de como llegar a la granja de forma antigua 🙂 con indicaciones!!!
Toma la autopista Medellín- Bogotá y toma las direcciones indicadas por google maps para llegar a Guatapé.
Sigue las instrucciones que ofrece el mapa virtual de google que esta en la parte de arriba de esta pagina para llegar a la granja. Cuando llegue a tu destino final segun google maps, encontraras un letrero rosado de la granja colgado en un arbol a mano derecha de la carretera ( observar la primera foto con el letrero rosado)
Una vez llegues al letrero rosado toma la carretera a la derecha. esa carretera te llevara por varias curvas donde hemos puesto varios letreros de como llegar.
Desde Medellín en bus:
Toma un autobús desde la terminal del norte al pueblo Guatapé, estación caribe del metro de Medellín.
Una vez en el pueblo, puedes tomar una motochiva o tuc tu hasta la granja escuela o escuela de español. NO PAGAR MAS DE 10,000 pesos por tuc tuc.
Si desea caminar desde el pueblo, puede tomar las mismas indicaciones para venir en carro o moto particular que están mas arriba en la pagina.
Desde el aeropuerto José María Cordoba.
Tomas un bus hasta la autopista Medellín -Bogotá y en el puente de la autopista, bajas las escaleras y esperas el bus de Guatapé.
Una vez en el pueblo, puedes tomar una motochiva o tuc tu hasta la granja escuela o escuela de español. NO PAGAR MAS DE 10,000 pesos por tuc tuc
Si desea caminar desde el pueblo, puede tomar las mismas indicaciones para venir en carro o moto particular que están mas arriba en la pagina.
o puedes tomar la opción taxi desde el aeropuerto hasta la granja por 100.000 cada trayecto. Déjanos saber para reservarte un taxi.
**To participate in any of our courses or for lodging at the Eco Hostel, you must receive a confirmation in advance. Same day reservations are possible, only if we have available spaces. Please make sure to receive a confirmation via email.
In keeping with our goal of living a simple life, we do not rush to check our email constantly and give priority to in-person communication. So please give us at least few hours to respond. If you do not hear back from us immediately, rest assured that we will respond soon. We just need to make sure that the students have learned, and the goats are fed first. ☺
*We are also enjoying life and not at the computer all the time.
Pick up Service from Airport to & from Guatapé
Our driver will pick you up from the airport and drop you off at Eco Hostel. Cost 120,000 COP (Approx. $42 USD). Please let us know in advance to make the arrangement.
You can take a bus that goes to Medellin and ask the driver to leave you at the bridge (Belen) Medellin-Bogota highway–when you at the highway please wait for the bus that says ‘ Guatape’.
Eco Hostel
An interactive & live Hostel where you can experience living on an organic farm and learn – an educational center, a showcase of best practices for sustainable living, alternative energies, and a place where you can reconnect with yourself & nature in harmony.
For more info about Eco hostel
Meditation and Yoga
Join us for a Yoga and Meditation retreat and workshop to radically boost the level of happiness, joy, and bliss you experience on a day to day basis and get a free farm tour.
for more information about Meditation and Yoga
Eco Spanish Courses (2 weeks)
Two week intensive Spanish language course. All Levels.
For more information about Spanish Course
Organic farming Course and intro to permaculture (1 week)
A good way to practice your Spanish, learn about sustainable living practices and familiarize yourself with local Colombian plants & vegetation.
For more information about Organic farming and Permaculture
Payments options
Make a full pay or deposit to reserve your spot.
Write us to confirm availability and method of payment!!